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Apportionments - 2021

Letter From Our DS Melissa Drake - Click Here

Total 2021 IAC Apportioned Amount - $9,724,498
Total Sum of Operating Income for all churches $80,902,646
Apportioned Amount as % of Income (12.020%) times a 4-year rolling operational income average.

Our Church Reported Operating Income 
2016 - $193,089
2017 - $206,150
2018 - $178,106
2019 - $174,119
Total - $751,464
4 Year Average -------> $187,866

Apportioned Amount as % of average 12.020% = $22,581
before reallocations.  Adjustment from reallocations due to Missional Churches  - $34

2021 Adjusted Apportionment -


General Church Apportionments -                          $  4,970
Conference Connectional Resources -                    $  8,121
Conference Clergy & Congregational Support -    $  6,669

Conference Mission Giving -                                     $  2,855
Total 2021 Apportionment  -                                     $22,615

Our District voluntary special asking is - $ 2,890.00

How are Apportionment Dollars Spent??????

Here is a link to a pie chart which breaks down every dollar of apportionments given in relationship to our allocation -

Click Here! Then find "Ogden Community UM Church " in the Get apportioned amount for: Box.  Every "Blue" colored title description in the pie chart is a link to another page with more details.  Enjoy and be Informed.

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